Insurance Agency

Social Media and Video Pro Tips for Insurance Agents

Originally aired on
January 26, 2023
Presenters and Guests
Patrick McBride

Agency Owner

The McBride Agency

Ray Huang

Head of Marketing

Canopy Connect

The best way to reach and engage your local community these days, is through social media. Done right, it’s a great way to stay top-of-mind and position yourself as a trusted insurance expert.

Patrick McBride, owner of The McBride Agency, has been leaning heavily into social media and creating videos to create compelling content for his community. He also leverages his social media to promote creative campaigns that increase revenue.

In this session we cover:

  • How The McBride Agency uses social media and video
  • Practical things you can do to beef up your social presence
  • A review of the agency’s recent holiday campaign

We also do a live brainstorm on a campaign you could run for Valentines Day!